5 Big Hair Extension Mistakes to Avoid – Secret of Medusa

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5 Big Hair Extension Mistakes to Avoid

5 Big Hair Extension Mistakes to Avoid

As you know, getting quality hair extensions is an investment and a commitment. We all want that beautiful, luscious hair, but how you take care of your extensions after installation is just as important to keep it looking that way. If you don’t already know, there are definitely ways to cause damage to your extensions in the way you care or neglect them. Are you not an expert on hair extensions? Have no fear! Luckily, our team of experts along with research have put together a list of mistakes to avoid when it comes to your hair and what to do instead! Keep reading to find out more.

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5 Big Hair Extension Mistakes to Avoid

1. Washing your hair too soon, too much, or too vigorously
washing hair extensions too often

It is important to take extra care when washing your extensions to make sure you aren’t causing the tape to slip or damaging the hair itself. A good rule of thumb to follow is to allow at least 48 hours after installation to shower. For adhesive and fusion methods, that time span will allow the bond to cure and create a strong hold. After the initial 48-hour time frame, only wash your hair about 1-2 times a week to help lock in moisture, while increasing hold times of the extensions. Gently lather the Secret Shampoo in your hands and work into the scalp, avoiding scrubbing the scrubbing the installation points and rinsing with cool water. Condition your hair with our Secret Conditioner, focusing on the midshaft to the ends and never applying conditioner to the installation point, which can create slippage of the extensions. If you have gone in the pool or the beach that day, it is important to wash your hair immediately to remove the chemicals or salt from damaging your adhesive or extensions. Try to wear a swim cap when possible to prevent your hair from getting wet at all and always apply conditioner to saturate the cuticle before entering salt or chlorinated water.

2. Drying your hair improperly 
drying hair extensions improperly

 The human scalp naturally produces oils, vitamins and nutrients that ensure our natural hair is healthy and strong. Since hair extensions don't receive those nutrients from the scalp, it's important to take the proper maintenance steps to ensure your extensions will last as long as possible (never dry from the bottom up as you'd be going against the direction of the cuticle). "After washing your hair, gentle pat it dry with a clean towel, allowing it to air dry whenever possible to avoid excess heat styling. Avoid wrapping your hair in a towel or flipping your hair upside down and if you have to blow dry your hair, make sure you do not apply excess heat directly to the installation points and use downward-sweeping vertical motions with the dryer. Always use leave-in conditioner and heat protectant when using hot tools on your hair.

3. Incorrectly brushing your hair
compact Detangling Brush w/Bristle Protector

It is not the best idea to brush your hair as you would your natural hair attached to roots, tugging and brushing roughly without even thinking twice about it. There needs to be extra caution when brushing your hair with hair-extensions, including waiting for your hair to completely dry first since wet hair is considered to be the most weak and susceptible to damage. Brush your hair using a wide-toothed comb, holding your hair under the "installation point to secure the extension and prevent slippage." Work on brushing the tangles out with your Detangling Brush, starting at the bottom of your hair and gently work your way up.

Related: How Do I Brush My Extensions?

4. Leaving your extensions in too long
leaving hair extensions in for too long

Unfortunately, having extensions does not stop the natural hair growth, so it's extremely important to have a professional stylist adjust your extensions every 6-8 weeks, depending on the speed of your natural growth. Allowing the extensions to grow out for too long can create matting and twisting that will damage both the extension and the natural hair, and can even lead to hair loss! It may be tempting to let your extensions grow out or attempt to adjust them yourself to save money, but it's much more costly to fix that damage down the road.

5. Ignoring professional tips
ignoring professional hair tips

Your hair stylist will give you great suggestions and advice on both your natural hair and extensions - that is their profession, after all! They are a lot more experienced and knowledgeable in working with the right products and several different hair types, making them much more qualified to give you the proper advice on hair care. Do not ignore or disregard their tips and tricks to help keep your hair looking great longer! A lot of stylists will leave you with an instruction sheet on proper maintenance and care for your extensions - read it, and use it! If they don't have an instruction sheet ready, ask if they can text or email you care instructions, or simple jot down the information while you're in the chair! Save yourself and your stylist the trouble of spending extra time and money to correct avoidable mistakes. Taking a shortcut at home may seem like a cheaper or faster option, but it could be disastrous to your natural hair and your extensions if you ignore the advice of professionals.

Shop Secret of Medusa Collections for stylists here!

    Let’s take the time and energy to keep your beautiful extensions from looking worn out or damaged by avoiding those big mistakes listed above! Make sure you check out Secret of Medusa for all of your hair extension needs! We provide only the best quality products for our stylists and clients. There’s no perfect alternative or shortcuts than to just do it the right way. Why? Because your hair deserves it.

    Related: 5 Fun Facts about Clip-in Hair Extensions

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